This snapshot not only summarizes the dryness of Beijing but my staticky Sunday, literally and figuratively!

Everything I touched today set off sparks. I shocked myself and others (and even my computer) so many times that I really just need to give up and go to bed before I set something on fire! 

My metaphorical day also felt pretty staticky from start to finish: I had some TCM (traditional Chinese massage) therapy lined up that I usually really look forward to, but had a hard time being present because my thoughts were on all the things I needed to get done today; I met for three hours with Jimmie, a Chinese friend who is helping me set up my studio for recording a better quality podcast and audio narrations, and I was so proud of all I was learning, but listening and practicing new technology for most of Sunday afternoon was exhausting; after dinner, I had a few hours of English papers to grade; and I just came back from walking Moondog. 
It is definitely time for bed, even though my list has not yet been completely ticked off. Alas!

This week, our podcast is on TADAs, not TO DOs, and somehow I lost sight of that today. There is so much I am doing well at, and the TO DO list is never going to disappear, so I think it’s time to celebrate with a mug of hot water and a little magazine reading on my FLIPSTER app as I cozy into bed for my Sunday evening sleep. My clothes are picked out for tomorrow and my backpack is packed… 

Wishing you all the happiest of Sundays – and don’t try to be TOO productive, unless it brings you joy. Remember to relax. And protect yourself from that darn static!