New Start Every Day


A Note To My Emily

Oh, my Emily. I miss you beyond words. The grief that we feel is unimaginable. I just want to grab you and hold you and


A Day Without Tears

  Yesterday was the first day since Emily’s death that neither Don nor I cried, even though she was abundant in our conversation. We spent



  We are in New Orleans in the last of our southern states tour, soaking in the hospitality, gobbling up the gumbos and beignets, and


Road Tripping

  We are in Memphis, Tennessee. Don is browsing in Goner Records and I’m enjoying a coffee next door. On yesterday’s LP perusal, I found


The Privilege of Pain

My friend Kristi spoke these words – the privilege of pain – when we met in December and she ministered to me by bringing a



I’ve been writing about vulnerability, but it became evident during my most recent therapy session the amount of vigilance I have been living with for



Do I blame myself for Emily’s suicide? In no way – not for a second. Do I blame her? That is a more complicated question


Earth School

  Nobody signs up for earth school, but it’s inevitable that we all matriculate. Nobody is exempt from the tutorials that are individually tailored to


Healing on the Beach

Last Thursday, in the throes of our loss, with the rain in its perpetual drizzle, nothing felt motivating or worth pursuing. Don had gotten out


The Loop of Love

I’ve been so tired and so inactive. Dragging my body around the block in the drizzle has been nearly impossible. Getting on the plush carpet


The Gift of Sharing Yourself

Credit: Gretchen Schmelzer There are times I just feel so lost without my Emily; I just want her to be here so badly, it takes


Vulnerability and Renewal

We have entered the ranks of the suburban folk by getting a membership at Costco. Initially, it felt rather exciting, but then it became overwhelming.



  Last night I had a dream that enlivened me and gave me hope. I began my sleep routine by retreating to my imaginary house