New Start Every Day



When I came home from therapy and picking up Charlotte at the Skytrain station from her own counseling session, Don greeted us at our little


Be Here Now

As we creep toward Christmas, I have no wish for Michael Buble or anyone’s greatest holiday hits, but I do think that some boys’ choir


More Pepper, Less Salt

Last week I was video chatting with my bestie, Claire, commiserating and compassionating (new word I’ve just coined). Not surprisingly, we two English teachers, with



Because we have bereavement leave on top of holidays and then a bit of extra yet, we have until mid-February to grieve and heal here


Awaiting the Resurrection

Though she is always whispering through our hearts and minds, some days we say her name often and other days, we do not. I know


Retail Therapy

The sun is shining for what feels like the first time since we’ve arrived in Vancouver. I’m sitting in the sofa in this old-lady living


It is What it Is

How it is that grief troops on, in heavy boots through untrodden, mucky paths with no clear endpoint? Ah, the battle metaphor emerges. My brain



A few years ago, Emily got into the settings on my iPhone and named it Emilyisawesome. Yesterday, Don and I met with a grief counselor and



Credit: Alloi Omella  – Ayutthaya, Thailand: Our family visited this site on a cycling trek with Kal and Ellen, our beloved friends/family   I’m sitting in the


Lost in the Mail

In Beijing at this hour, it is the morning of Emily’s adoption day. 17 years ago today, we met this little peanut of a girl,


Laugh it Off

 Laughter and tears are close allies, their arms often intertwined like besties, this I am finding out.  Charlotte has a bag of Dove chocolates sitting



  It will be just a memo today because I woke up late after wild dreams of not being able to control my Grade 1


Slow Starts

My starts are slow and perambulating these days, but they’ve taken on a routine. I turn up the thermostat, shuffle into the back bedroom that


Grief is a Messed Up Ball of Yarn

  The stages of grief are not linear: they are a snarly ball of yarn that is so tangled you want to hurl it into


Heart-to-Heart Hugs

  My youngest daughter has been dead for a week and a half now. What new starts can even be had?  I want to unstart,